Friday, November 13, 2009

Camp Creek State Park

This past Monday we ventured to Camp Creek State Park where we found Campbell Falls. It is a beautiful park with two small waterfalls. I can't wait for spring and all the Laural's blooming around the area.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Longing for Flight"

I have always loved the P-51, nothing sounds like it when it taxi's by, when it is on a Takeoff Roll, and the truly magnificent sound as it fly's past and goes into a victory role. In WWII this war bird earned it's wings and we are all free because of it, the other aircraft, crews, maintainers, and nearly 20,000 airman that gave their lives over Europe and in the Pacific. If you want to have a hero read the story of SSgt Henry "Red" Erwin, recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor as a radio operator on a B-29 over Japan.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Twin Falls Day Trip

Today we set out to Twin Falls State Park in Wyoming County , WV. It was a nice day for a drive and the fall colors in this area are at their peak. I would climb down the sides of the river bank, on to the slick rocks and play Nat Geo Photographer. Bubbles did not like the fact that she could not see me and then after she could not see or hear me she got worried. I now have to wear a bell when I go of exploring so she can find me. The Lodge is under construction but the restaurant is still open. the four some on the park Golf Curse didn't stop the family of Deer from grazing on the 8th green. We left the park and drove over the New River Bridge. I love the day trips that Bub's and I take and can't wait for the net one.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Autumn in the Park

Just me playing around with de-saturation...again! Hope you like it.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Babcock State Park Swinging Bridge

Bubbles and I were going to spend the night at Babcock State Park tonight but the only cabin that was available was the one that the only heat source is an open fire place. The temperature is supposed to be down to 25 degrees tonight and I am not going to get up ever 2 hours to check the fire and make sure the bears are still on the outside. So...we went for a day trip and found this bridge hidden in the forest. While walking around the Grist Mill we bumped into a retired member of the Guard, Gary Stewart. Bub's and I will spend a night or two up there in the spring or summer, but it will be a cabin with a heater. We explored around he park until it started to snow, that's when we headed down the river to satellite TV, a heat pump, and two spoiled puppies.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Picky Blue Jays

We have adopted, or they have adopted us, a large family of Blue Jays. There are about 10 of them and when we put peanuts on the wall we get to see most of them, and man can they get loud. This one particular Jay was somewhat of a picky eater. He would pick up a peanut and then drop it. He would walk around picking them up and letting them fall. He would listen to them when hey hit the ground to see if there was a nut inside. He was the only one doing this. We love feeding the birds, Chipmunks, Squirrels, but not the Possum.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The original "Patriot Guard"

The Sons and Daughters of the Revolutionary War march at Tu Endi Wee State Park, Point Pleasant, WV on 4 Oct., 2009 to commemorate the first battle of the Revolutionary War at this very location. Members of the SAR and DAR came from as far away as Wyoming to place a wreath at the monument.

Freedom is not Free

On our road trip today Bubs and I came across the memorial of the Battle at Tu Endi Wee State Park, the first battle of the American Revolutionary War at Point Pleasant, WV. This, on the day that eight American soldiers were killed in Afghanistan remind us that men and women for over two hundred years have sacrificed their life for this county. The "when" and the "where" may, sometimes, run together but the "why" stands out as clear today as it did in 1774. FREEDOM! Patriots have died in the past and will die in the future to ensure this country and it's people will stay FREE.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I didn't plant this Sunflower, our resident Chipmunk did. Theodore, as my wife calls him, would stuff his mouth full of Sunflower seeds and then run off and bury them. I guess he was trying to save them for fall. We let them grow and they produced a pretty good bunch of flowers. Now that Autumn has set in the birds have eaten all the seeds from the flowers and nothing is left but the stalks. With the report that the nuts and berries didn't produce this year we will keep feeding Theodore, and what ever creature comes our way, except the opossum...Bubbles hate that thing.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Hohenecken Castle

This castle sets on top of a hill overlooking the Ramstein area. It was built in the 12th century and was fought after and destroyed several times...finally in the late 1700's.

Nooooo Reservations!

While roaming thru the German countryside I found this small village with a great restaurant. Behind the restaurant is a church built in the early 1800's. Behind the church is a path leading to the top of a hill where you find the ruins of a 12th century castle. we walked to the top and explored the ruins and surveyed the country side from the hill top.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

High Flight

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air. . . .

Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or ever eagle flew —
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,

Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Edinburgh, Scotland

As many of my trips go we arrived in Edinburgh, Scotland in the late afternoon and by the time we changed clothes, found an ATM, and hopped in a cab we arrived at Edinburgh Castle 15 minutes after it closed for the day. However, the security guard was ex-military (Scots Guard) so he let us past the barriers and we walked to the front door. It was magnificent to say the least. This is the "Mecca" for all Americans of Scottish desent and I made it...yeah! This piece of land has been occupied since 600 BC. The castle dates back to around 900 AD. It has been fought over several times in its history and is still the home of the Scottish Crown Jewels. After we thanked the security guard we waled down the "Royal Mile" to a good restaurant and had a nice late supper. Who knows if or when I will ever see Edinburgh again but to see it at night, with all the churches and streets lit for the summer festival was amazing. On the way back to the hotel one of the guys started whistling "Scotland The Brave". A fitting end to a great experience!

Monday, August 31, 2009

St John's, NF, Canada

The first day of our journey started out pretty good. We had an 80 knot tail wind on our tail which caused us to land almost one hour ahead of schedule. The weather could not have been more perfect on the first day of our North Atlantic travels, probably the prettiest day I've seen in all my years coming up here. When I got to the hotel I asked for a room with a view and the friendly lady checking me in gave me this room...just look at the view. I had a good dinner at Velma's (NF version of local cooking) with Scotty Johnson, a beer with some other friends back at the hotel, and now it is off to bed to get read for another day. Angels BC!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Washington D. C. by night

Last night Bub's and I took the D. C. at night tour. We started at Union Station in an open top double decker bus. We past the Capital Building and several other monuments in route to the Jefferson Memorial. It was beautiful! The next stop was he Roosevelt Memorial, it was a different type of memorial but beautiful and meaningful none the less. When we arrived at the Lincoln Memorial it was really dark and the building was lit up and amazing! But the most beautiful site was of the Washington Monument when you looked at it while standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial. We ended our tour at the Iwo Jima Memorial. Our night ended with the subway breaking down and we ended up on a bus (which is another story). This trip has been wonderful, full of breath taking beauty and heart swelling pride.

Monday, August 24, 2009


While I'm at my class this week in Washington, D.C. Bubbles is hitting the road and taking in all the sites. Today, first thing on her list was Arlington National Cemetery, Home of Heros. She wanted to go to section 60. Section 60 is set aside for all those who died in Iraq or Afghanistan. She found out that it is a Jewish custom to leave a stone on a grave to show that person is remember. She had a bag full of stones, about 250 of them. She came back to the hotel without any stones, but her eyes were full of tears. For some reason she was drawn to section 60, maybe to say thanks to all the fallen heros or maybe it was her motherly instinct to look after those that are the same age as our son. What ever it was, she came back to the hotel somewhat changed. In her words..."there, but for the grace of God, go I".

Friday, August 14, 2009

My friend Beau

This is my friend Beau. He came along our way as sort of a "empty nest" puppy when Alex graduated High School and went to the Air Force. He was suppose to be Bubbles puppy. As it has turned out he is my puppy. As a puppy he had trouble getting used to his new surroundings so he ended up sleeping on my side of the he thinks it's his bed. He likes setting in the front yard, guarding our house from the "evil" Blackbirds, cats and whatever else wonders around us. He is a gentle soul, we call him our "120 pound Tea Cup Shepard" because he thinks he is just as small as our other pet that past away about two years ago, Morgan. He has a good heart and a gentle soul and when we go for walks in the woods he never runs off, even though he could because I don't leash him up in the woods. He just walks down the path and then turns around as if to say "come on Dad" and then patiently waits for me to catch up. Bubbles says dogs choose one person to makeup with, I'm glad he chose me. My friend Beau.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Here's Your Sign!

Well, I've been living in Hurricane WV since, well for a long time, and this old underpass has been here since the 19 teens. For as long as I can remember when we would get a very heavy rain, like we did today, this underpass would Now maybe after the first few dozen vehicles got trapped by the flood water someone would put up a sign or pass the word that this place and deep too. I know it flood, and just about everyone I know knows it flood. Well I guess someone forgot to pass the word or someone just thinks all the news reports of people getting stuck in high water is just bunk. Oh's your sign!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

River City Nights

On the way home from shopping Bub's and I decided to drive down thru St. Albans, WV on the way home. We came by the riverside park just as the sun was going down and decided to stop for a moment. The boaters were coming and going, some teenagers were setting on the walkway, and the ducks were everywhere. Bub's noticed this couple just enjoying the warm night air by the river. It really was a beautiful West Virginia sunset. I was reminded of a song mom used to sing..."Count your blessing, name them one by one..."

Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm a Luck Guy

This is me and my partner, best friend, soul mate, and wife. I traveled the world and found my love just up the street. We love our day trips and our long vacations. She keeps me going and keeps me focused. Our kids are grown now and we are hitting the roads, and maybe the

Grist Mill at Babcock State Park, WV

The recent rain has caused all the streams to have a magnificent flow which just adds to the photos. This was our, Bub's and Me, first trip to Babcock State Park and we fell in love with the natural beauty. We plan on taking a weekend trip here in fall when all the fal colors are out.

Angel Falls, WV

On our weekly day trip Bub's and I headed out for Babcock State Park in Fayette County WV. It is about a two hour drive and there is lots to see along the way. Angel Falls is just past Gauley Bridge and usually does not have nearly this much water running over it. However, this July was the coldest and possibably the wettest in history. The falls, and there are a lot of small ones, along Rte 60 were really flowing. I caught this shot with the sun peaking through the trees and feel lucky and blessed to live in such a beautiful state. I named this photo "The Blessing".

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Carter Caves State Park, Kentucky

Bub's and I have decided to do little outings on my days off just to see the area around us. We had never been to Carter Caves and it is only one hour away from Hurricane so we headed out. We toured two caves and Bub's learned to deal with her fear of bats. After the caves we went for a nature walk that turned into the Bataan Death March. We walked about 6 miles through the forest and saw two natural bridges and a snake (Bub's was not happy). The trip with al the new sights was well worth or time and money. Once again we discovered a paradise in our back yard.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Friendly Advise

In Hurricane the only place to get your hair cut (for a man) is Rappolds Barber Shop. Steve and his son Rod cut hair, listen to local citizens dole out their problems and generally solve all the worlds problems every day come rain or shine, except Sundays, Mondays, legal Holidays, Christmas, and the week in July when they go to Myrtle Beach.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


This is the photo of the 1975-76 HHS Varsity first string Offense. Front Row L to R-Bobby Massey, Rusty Sovine, Scott Sowards, Roger Masey, Back Row - L to R - Gray Hodges, David Lincolnlogger, Todd Bachman, J.B. Burdette, David Boyles, Tim Meeks, Bill Leadmon. Look behind the guys and what is not there! 33 years ago...WOW!

Just Desaturation

I love playing with the de-saturation capabilities of this Apple computer.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mt. Rainier

I had a chance to go out west for a few days. On the way in to Tacoma, Washington we had to fly by Mt Rainier, Mt. Adams, and Mt. Saint Helen's. The Seattle/Tacoma area is really beautiful but I can't handle all the traffic...I-5 is packed bumper to bumper most of the day. Traffic aside, it was a good trip.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

One more Morning shot


Good Morning...Sunrise...

When I woke up this morning I wanted to get a good shot of a sunrise, I hope you like it.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

On tbe Beach

Life ain't bad




I am still in St Thomas. I was roaming around looking for a picture and this boat came around the point. The weather, water, good friends made this a great day. I will post more pictures while we are here so everyone can see how beautiful this island really is.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The home of the real Pirates!

Makes you just want to say ARRRRRRR!

The view from my room in St Thomas

Not bad, not bad at all.

St. Thomas, USVI

I decided to make this my kickoff trip to get back in the TDY game. I haven't been down this way for about 9 years now due to all the Desert time we have been doing. The hotel is great and the crew is all a bunch of good people. The crew chief's wife came along, she is a unit member too. I'll post a few more photos before I leave. I love going on trips but I really miss Bubbles right now.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Daniel won $250.00 for eating 11 Hot Dogs and Buns in 5 minutes...second place only ate 6. Alex, Kevin and Fish were all there to cheer him on to victory. Shortly after he collected the prize money he deposited the Hot Dogs in a trash can and in the parking lot...then went on to eat a BBQ sandwich cause he was hungry! ATTA BOY LUTHER!


This one barely cleared he tube when it went off. The whole fireworks display was great. The HVFD puts in a lot of hard work to make this event happen "SAFELY". Every year the crowds get bigger and this year, even with the rain, it was now exception. The crowd was estimated at between four to five thousand in the park alone. It took some time to get home, but it was worth the wait.

Rocket's Red Glare

The 4th of July is always a great time to round up the family and go to "where ever" the firework show is being held. This year it was at the Valley Park. Along with Jupiter Jumps for the kids, live music, and cotton candy there was a Hot Dog eating contest. For the second year in a row Daniel Hatcher won by eating 11 Hotdogs and Buns in 5 minutes. All the days events came to a glorious end thanks to the Hurricane Volunteer Fire Department's fireworks display. This was a special year because Alex was home for the 4th of July, the first time in 3 years. ...And a good time was had by all!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Kids

This year when we went to the beach we took along Madison's friends Colby and Chelsea. Alex made it back in time from SWA to go with us too. We had a great time, full of wonderful memories. Thanks for the great time kids...Bubs and I love you all.

Vomit Comet

The annual Hurricane VFD Carnival was in town this past week. Along with all the cotton candy, ring tosses and shooting galleries came the ride I affectionately refer to as the "Vomit Comet". I can ride "The Beast" at Kings Island all day and it will not bother me...but if I get on this thing, LOOK OUT BELOW, OR BESIDE.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Reflections of a Gull

I cauht this guy waiting for a free meal. You feed one you better be ready to feed a hundred.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Ole Glory...on the farm.

If you go to the end of the paved road on Turkey Creek and then go about a half mile on the dirt road you will see this old barn deck out for the 4th of July. Ole Glory looks good anywhere you want to display her. God Bless America.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sprung a Leak!

This is at the old power plant at Kanawha Falls.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Good Cause!

Plant flowers - Save the Honey Bee!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sea Gulls

Our family loves feeding birds. We have feeders all over the yards so it comes naturally that when we go to the beach we have to feed the Sea Gulls. We usually do the feeding on the last night we are there but this time we did it two nights in a row. These guys got so used to us that they got really close. They would just hover over use on the sea breeze waiting for the next piece of hotdog to come their way. After we gave out all the food they just landed and walked to the water to clean off and take a break and let their diner settle.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

North Carolina Ferry Boat Ride

Yesterday Bub's and I went to Southport, NC for lunch and then we caught the ferry to Ft. Fisher/Kure Beach NC. It was the first time we had ever been on a ship that big. While at Ft. Fisher we went the North Carolina Aquarium and the Ft. Fisher historical site. On the trip back the Ferry Boat Captain had the best, down to earth saftey briefing ever. He said "Welcome Aboard...No Smoking, if you want to feed the birds go to the back of the ship, ....and don't do anything dangerous! It was a great day trip and gave us some great memories.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Sea Shells

Just a few that I found today.


I was riding my bike today and pasted this huge orange beach umbrella. I just pasted it by and went on with the ride. On the way back I had to stop (the wind was against me) so I got this shot.